Sunday, November 2, 2014

It has been a rough couple of weeks.  Some know that my grandmother passed away on Monday October 20.

 This women helped raise me, I was always at her house.  Being the only grandchild at the time, I was with her a lot.  She would always sing songs of praise, some you knew others she would make up.  There are so many memories of things that happened at her house.

On Monday, October 20, when I found out she had passed I could only smile.  She had always been a healthy, vibrant woman until the day she started having strokes.  At that time she had to have someone take care of her and meet her needs.  It hurt to see her like that.  But the day she passed my smile was there because 1. she got to see the face of Jesus and 2. she was with my Papa again.  He had passed a year ago and they had been married 76 years.  It was time for her to be with the both of them in Heaven.

When I found out her funeral would be on Friday the 24th, I was torn.  The woman I loved so much was being laid to rest and the daughter I love was about to go on an amazing journey.  I didn't know what to do.  The bible study I am doing at this time is called The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst.  I was studying about making Godly decisions, about being present in situations to see God's plan.  I started to pray about what to do.  Do I go be with my family or be with my daughter.  My Memaw had given me such memories, examples of giving blessings and loving the Lord.  I had to pray and ask for guidance.  Knowing that either decision would not please everyone.  I decided I had to please my Lord.  Believe me I prayed and prayed for a solution that would be pleasing to everyone, but the Lord said, "you need to make the best yes."  So I decided to go with my daughter.

Now that the weekend is over I can tell you that going with my daughter on this trip (and about 300 other kids and parents) was my Best Yes.  The blessings that were given and received that weekend showed me that is where I needed to be present.

Blessings started with having a friend ride with us and enjoying getting to know her better.  Everyone made it there safe.  Another dear friend and I prayed over the band and all the props Saturday morning.  The band had an amazing performance.  Then we were at lunch and a special song came on that we knew was a blessing.  The chance to compete in finals in Indy was another blessing.  Then that  evening before finals we were feeding the kids.  An opportunity for me to communicate with a woman was truely a God plan.  Then to be able to bless another group of people was another of many Ways we saw God's hand.

Rough times, rocky roads, strained situations can all be a learning process if you only allow God to show you the opportunity, to be present so that you can be blessed or better yet give a blessing.